Motorhome insurance documents
If you'd like more information about our products and services, you can download our motorhome insurance brochure and related insurance documents on this page.
Current documents
Details of the cover and other benefits you'll get when you insure with Caravan Guard.
Full details and the terms and conditions of your motorhome insurance policy.
A summary of the cover levels on our motorhome insurance.
A summary of the key information relating to your motorhome policy.
The contract explaining the legal relationship between Caravan Guard and you as the policyholder.
A summary of the key information relating to your motorhome policy breakdown cover.
Optional cover documents and extensions
A summary of the key information relating to your motorhome insurance policy add-ons.
A summary of the key information relating to your motorhome insurance policy's legal expenses cover (provided by Arc Legal Assistance).
Full details and the terms and conditions of your motorhome insurance policy's legal expenses cover (provided by Arc Legal Assistance).
Archived documentation & help
To view historical versions of these documents, or to request a copy of these documents by post, please contact us.
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More reasons to choose us
Number one for service and value
Reassuringly good cover from a leading insurer
Award winning company
Safe and secure online quotes
Confidence in a trusted family business
Highly rated claims service
Money back guarantee
Member of the National Caravan Council
Heart Research donation for every paperless policy
Plain English policy and documents
Great value for money