Touring caravan security
Over 30% security discount
As a leading caravan insurance specialist, Caravan Guard offer a range of discounts for caravanners who take steps to reduce the risk of their caravan being involved in an accident or being stolen.
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touring caravan insurance security discounts

Security requirement
Caravan theft is a major problem in the UK, so we reward careful caravanners with discounts for good security. Theft cover would be excluded if you do not meet with our security requirements.
Minimum SecurityIn addition to a hitchlock, we require EITHER a good quality wheel clamp (covering at least one wheel nut) OR an axle wheel lock device (e.g. AL-KO Secure Wheel Lock for AL-KO chassis or Diamond Wheel Lock for BPW chassis) to be fitted whenever your caravan is unattended and detached from the tow car.
For trailer tents and folding campers we only require either a hitchlock OR a wheel clamp.
For fifth wheelers, only a pin lock is required.
Certain caravans require extra security...
Extra SecurityWe ask for extra security on twin axle and high value caravans that are particularly at risk - however, under normal circumstances, we can allow up to 28 days for additional security to be fitted from the cover start date.
We ask that touring caravans insured for £35,000 or more and fifth wheel caravans insured for £40,000 or more are fitted with a Caravan Guard approved satellite tracking device (details of which can be found by clicking here).
Our storage requirement
For more information on the insurance discounts available for secure caravan storage please visit our dedicated caravan storage page.
Fit an alarm to your caravan and qualify for a 5% caravan insurance discount. There are many alarm systems available for caravans. The best types of alarm monitor movement inside the caravan using Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensors and/or will trigger via tilt sensors if a thief attempts to tow your caravan away. The Phantom Pro 1 caravan alarm system is a good example of a caravan alarm that has PIR sensors and can be fitted by most caravan dealers.
Look out for alarms with Sold Secure approval as this is usually a sign that a device has stood up to rigorous testing.
Caravan tracking devices
Fit an approved satellite tracking device and qualify for a massive caravan insurance discount of 15%. Find out more about caravan tracking devices.
Axle wheel locks
An axle wheel lock is inserted through an alloy wheel and is attached to the caravan chassis. To fit such devices, generally the caravan wheel needs to be jacked up and aligned with a receiver in the caravan chassis. Then a locking plate or insert is fitted through the wheel into the receiver to essentially prevent the caravan axle from rotating. It is a fantastic deterrent to would be caravan thieves.
Many modern caravans are advertised as 'axle lock enabled' and thus come with a receiver for an axle wheel lock. However, the owner must purchase the locking plate or insert to be considered as having a complete axle wheel lock system. Just having the receiver on the caravan chassis is of no use as it alone does not provide any security.
Many luxury caravan models will come factory supplied with both the receiver and locking plate or insert - in other words a complete axle wheel lock system. In the case of certain twin axle models, two axle wheel locks are often provided.
Caravan Guard offer a big insurance discount for fitment of a caravan axle wheel locking device.
More reasons to choose us
Number one for service and value
Reassuringly good cover from a leading insurer
Award winning company
Safe and secure online quotes
Confidence in a trusted family business
Highly rated claims service
Money back guarantee
Member of the National Caravan Council
Heart Research donation for every paperless policy
Plain English policy and documents
Great value for money