VIDEO: How do I check how much gas is left in my gas bottle?

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  1. Lionel Patterson says:

    The Gas Genie is next door to useless as the magnets fall off without even moving the van. Even with a bungy around the tank to secure it I’m not sure it works.

  2. Paul says:

    I to have the Safefill bottles, fairly easy to see how much gas is left and of course they are VERY light in weight. Saving quite a bit on your payload.

  3. Sarah Anne Merrifield says:

    Thank you! Lots of ideas and very practical .

  4. Peter Davis says:

    We use 2 refillable gas cylinders. These are permanently strapped in for safety. During the summer when the gas is used for hot water, cooking and running the fridge as we do a lot of wild camping, one bottle tends to last 12-14 days. We always use the bottle at the front first and when that runs we normally refill after swapping over to the other cylinder. We have never had a problem and we do have the adaptors. The upfront cost pays for itself in about 50 complete refills of one cylinder. The peace of mind from being able to avoid running out is free

  5. Ken Avery says:

    Interesting and informative article, but you can’t beat having two bottles as soon as one runs out, get it filled at the first opportunity, stick a lable on the empty bottle, so you dont forget to refill it

  6. Robert Haddow says:

    New to campervaning and find all suggested a great help even if it makes you just think of how much planning is required before setting off, so thanks to all. Bob.

  7. Nick jones says:

    Very helpful, thank you.

  8. Neenbj says:

    How about just weighing it? Use a luggage scale, easy, record weight when new, you can monitor how much you use on average and plan accordingly for next trip. Works for us. Can’t own it, tip came from my brother who also gave me the scale!

  9. rob ward says:

    We have always carried two cylinders in our campers and for years I have always fitted a gas low gauge to the system, its useless for telling how much gas is in the system but brilliant for testing for gas leaks, simply keep a check on the dial for fifteen minutes after closing the gas bottle valve, if the needle stays at full there are no significant leaks.

  10. David Garner says:

    Good. Interesting & Informative.

  11. Keith Stacey says:

    Many great idea’s if you carry only one cylinder, whilst I know there is more weight we have always carried 2 cylinders (12kg) as we like the quiet places these are not easy to buy a refill of gas. On the other hand more sites are stocking gas so don’t panic Mr Mannering.

  12. James says:

    One bottle you early touched on but didn’t quite is the safefill refillable bottle. These are made of a clear resin with a plastic surround so you can see into the bottle. When the bottle is in the locker, it is hard to see the lpg inside. I find using a torch (i use the one on my phone) held right up against the bottle and give the bottle a little wiggle is enough to see the lpg moving around.

    I like your idea of pouring warm water over the bottle to see where the level is on a steel bottle. I would advise not to do this in the gas locker in case it causes damp in the floor.

    In the early 2000’s I had an elddis which came with a built in ultra sound detector which lived under one bottle and had the gauge inside the caravan. It wasn’t very accurate at all but technology has moved on since then.

    Great article with devices I have never heard of before.

  13. Robert says:

    The self adhesive strip is often a magnetic temperature gauge panel, but it really only works on butane not propane, because it gets colder than propane as it evaporates. They only really work when the gas has been used continuously for sometime. I got one that is useless on propane but works on butane. However most caravans use propane because butane freezes in low temperatures!

    On a separate subject how annoying is the recall of the Calor light cylinders? I carry two 6kg capacity cylinders and the Calor Light oners were a godsend, saving about 3kg on each.

  14. Michael Humphreys says:

    The review should have included real time uses by selected caravan users. I will test any of the products without prejudice and send my findings to you this season.l am a retired professionally qualified engineer and a caravan owner.

  15. John Collings says:

    I use a Safefill cylinder and can see the exact level as it has translucent panels.

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