Should your motorhome’s standard fit security be earning you an insurance discount?
Higher end security systems such as pro-active, monitored tracking devices and Cat 1 Alarm systems will earn you the biggest discounts when it comes to your motorhome insurance, but did you know that many of the devices fitted as standard will earn you a discount too?
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How to calculate your motorhome’s safe weight limits
Every motorhome comes with certain limits as to the weights which it can carry and how the weight should be distributed throughout the vehicle. This article explains what the different limits mean and how to calculate the effect of adding weight to your motorhome on the front and rear axle loading.
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Motorhome spring checks
If your motorhome hasn’t been used over winter then it’s important that come spring you know what checks need making before you take your ‘van out for a spin.
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How Autoglass® prevent your motorhome windscreen chip from turning into a crack
In 2010 43% of the motorhome claims that Caravan Guard handled were for windscreens, but many of these claims could have been avoided with a quick, simple and free repair to a small chip before it spread in to a crack which meant the windscreen needed replacing.
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A reversing camera could save you money, hassle and your insurance no claims bonus
As a motorhome insurance specialist we’re always analysing the types of claims being made by motorhome owners. We saw claims from reversing accidents increase by 78% in 2010 versus the previous year and have so far seen a similar amount of incidents in 2011.
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When is a motorhome windscreen chip beyond repair?
We wrote previously about why it’s important to get a chipped windscreen repaired before it turns into a crack, but after receiving further information from our approved repairers Autogalss® we wanted to expand on the info provided and explain exactly what the difference is between a chip that can be repaired and one that can’t.
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Advice on buying a new caravan or motorhome over the Bank Holiday weekend
The August Bank Holiday is this Monday the 29th and lots of caravan and motorhome enthusiasts will be taking advantage of the three day weekend and hitting the English countryside or seaside in their ‘van. For those people who are interested in buying a caravan or motorhome the long weekend is also the perfect opportunity to visit some dealerships and compare the different sizes, models and price ranges that are available.
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Motorhome insurance for people over 70
Finding motorhome insurance when you’re over 70 years of age can be tricky as there are many insurers who won’t provide cover once you reach this age. Caravan Guard, however, can take on new customers under 81 subject to our usual underwriting criteria.
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What to do in the event of an accident involving your motorhome
If you are involved in a road traffic accident with another vehicle then safety is your number one priority, first of all ensuring everyone involved is physically ok, and then protecting yourself from further danger by following the correct road safety procedures such as moving away from the vehicle. Once these measures have been undertaken it is also important that you take certain steps to make claiming on your motorhome insurance easier.
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Charges for recovery on European roads – we cover the costs
This article explains the charges which can leave motorhomers out of pocket when they breakdown on European toll roads, and how Caravan Guard cover the costs incurred.
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