Getting the best out of the Alde Compact 3010 heating system
As temperatures begin to nosedive this month, Dave King comes to the rescue and describes how to get to grips with ALDE’s Compact heating system.
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Reverse your caravan like a Pro
Manoeuvring your caravan on to a tricky pitch is a nightmare made worse only by the fact it’s usually done in front of an audience on the campsite. The fear of doing it wrong, crashing into something and causing damage to your ‘van is enough to give anyone sweaty palms.
But by following a few simple rules, and remembering our top tips, reversing your caravan needn’t be something you dread – in fact, with a little practice you’ll be negotiating a tricky pitch with ballerina like precision and poise in no time at all.
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Advice on buying a new caravan or motorhome over the Bank Holiday weekend
The August Bank Holiday is this Monday the 29th and lots of caravan and motorhome enthusiasts will be taking advantage of the three day weekend and hitting the English countryside or seaside in their ‘van. For those people who are interested in buying a caravan or motorhome the long weekend is also the perfect opportunity to visit some dealerships and compare the different sizes, models and price ranges that are available.
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Why do I need caravan towing mirrors?
Additional mirrors used for towing caravans and trailer tents may seem unnecessary, but Tim Booth, former police officer, explains why they are vital to keep you and other road users safe and in-line with the law.
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Check your caravan’s tyres!
Despite issuing advice on maintaining caravan tyres back in June 2008, we saw a 300% increase in tyre related caravan insurance claims Between July and September 2010 when compared to the number of claims between April and June of the same year.
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Protecting against caravan blowouts and snaking could save you a fortune
Caravan Guard are encouraging caravanners to fit safety devices which promise to reduce the risk of ‘snaking’ or tyre blowouts, after seeing a 30% increase in such caravan insurance claims since 2008.
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5 things to do with your caravan in 2011
A new year, a new opportunity to do those things that you’ve been meaning to do, but have not quite got round to doing. It’s time to be proactive and prepare for a year of happy caravanning.
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French speed limits
The new speed limits in France have generated some uncertainties for drivers and the French police. We’ve investigated and found that in typically government and indeed French style, the new code is complex, long and in legal jargon.
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Getting your tourer ready for the new season
Are you dreaming of lazy weekends away or do you already have a vision of your holiday in your caravan this year at home or abroad?
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Beginners guide to caravanning – Caravan maintenance
You’ve bought your first caravan, and you want to make the most out of it, so here’s our caravan maintenance guide to keep it tip-top condition.
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